24 Things I Learned in ‘24
Yeah, it happened—while on a run I had a thought “Hey, I’ll make one of those lists that folks do at the end of the year.”
So here we are with 24 things I learned in ‘24…
Boundaries as Love: Setting boundaries is an act of love, as is asking for help.
Gumption as a Practice: Gumption isn’t just a fun word to say—it’s a life skill worth cultivating daily.
Guacamole and Gathering: Nothing says “I care” quite perfectly like mashed avocados and good company.
The Cold Plunge ‘Trend’: Yes, it’s trendy. No, it’s not for everyone—but it does sort you out in ways nothing can.
The Power of Naps: Still undefeated as the simplest, most radical, restorative act of self-care.
NDEs change Everything: A near-death experience will shatter your worldview and help rebuild it from scratch.
Golden Circle Vulnerability: Sharing your truth with trusted souls opens perspectives you didn’t know you needed.
Good Pens Matter: The right pen isn’t just a tool; it’s an invitation to flow.
Loneliness in Familiar Places: The same space that once brought you comfort can, in another moment, feel isolating.
Play Your Edge: Growth happens when you push just beyond your comfort zone, not miles past it.
What You Resist Persists: Resistance only fuels what you’re trying to avoid. Let go, and watch it dissolve.
The Truth About People Pleasing: At its core, it’s a selfish impulse to feel safe—not the altruism it pretends to be.
Love as a Choice: Love isn’t one grand gesture but millions of micro-moments compounded over time.
Getting Lost in Portugal: Every wrong turn in this country is just another unexpected adventure waiting to happen.
The Power of Refinding: Reuniting with your partner means refinding—not recreating—the connection.
The Triple Cure: Sweat, tears, or the sea can heal almost anything.
Attachment Style 101: Knowing your attachment style is helpful, but nothing beats the power of open, honest communication.
The Stories We Tell Ourselves: Your inner narrative is more powerful than any external circumstance. Write these scripts wisely.
Transitions Hold Beauty: The in-between moments, though messy, often hold the most growth potential.
The Wisdom of “Not This”: Some experiences teach you exactly what you don’t want—and that clarity can be more valuable than knowing what you want.
Detachment Brings Perspective: Taking a step back lets you see clearly. Reconnecting reveals your true intentions.
The Trifecta: Following your heart is brave; trusting your gut is wise, and using your brain is natural; -- aligning all three is golden.
Dirty vs. Clean Fuel: Running on “I’m not enough” burns you out; fueling yourself with self-acceptance, love, and wonder keeps you moving.
Be thankful: For what you got.